The Lost Weekend Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Lost Weekend? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is hanging out of Don's window at the beginning of the film?

His laundry
A bottle of whiskey
Letters from Helen
A family of acrobats
Q. What does Don try to sell on Yom Kippur?

Consumer-grade hair products
His hat
Wick's books
His typewriter
Q. How does Don convince Gloria to give him money?

By offering to perform manual labor
By kissing her
By threatening her
By twerking
Q. While experiencing the DTs, Don hallucinates a bat attacking a ______.

Q. What does Don trade at the pawnshop for his gun?

His typewriter
Helen's coat
His whiskey
Wick's poodle