The Lost Weekend Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Lost Weekend? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Helen discover that Don's a drunk?

He misses a meeting with her parents.
He gets drunk before their first date.
He cops to liking Nickelback unprompted.
He drops a bottle of whiskey.
Q. Who returns Don's typewriter at the end of the film?

Hunter S. Thompson
Q. Why does Don visit Gloria's apartment?

He wants to take her on a date.
He's angry at her.
He needs money.
He doesn't—you hallucinated that scene.
Q. Why does Wick go on the weekend trip alone?

He wanted some time away from Don.
He was tricked by Don.
He wanted to evade an alien invasion.
Don got drunk and missed the train.
Q. What is the name of Don's novel?

The Bottle
Confessions of an Alcoholic
The Lost Weekend
Weekend at Bernie's XXL