The King's Speech Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The King's Speech.

Quote #4

LOGUE: When the Great War came, our boys were pouring back from the front, shell-shocked and unable to speak.

Logue never got his training in speech therapy from a fancy school. Everything he knows he learned by trying to help soldiers who came back from World War One shell-shocked and unable to speak.

Quote #5

LOGUE: All I know I know by experience, and that war was some experience.

In his mind, Logue is an expert in speech therapy because he has more experience than anyone else in his field. He has seen the worst of the worst and he knows for certain that speech defects are based on psychological problems, not just physiological issues with a person's mouth.

Quote #6

BERTIE: Fraud! With war looming, you've saddled this nation with a voiceless king.

Bertie feels cheated when he finds out that Lionel Logue has no credentials as a speech therapist. The stakes are too high for his therapy to fail because war is coming and the country might not survive if it doesn't have a strong leader.