The King's Speech Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The King's Speech.

Quote #4

BERTIE: I should like the doctor to be seated in the King's Box.

Despite Cosmo Lang's protests, Bertie wants Lionel to be seated in the King's Box during his coronation ceremony. This just goes to show how much Logue has broken down the class barrier between himself and Bertie.

Quote #5

COSMO LANG: But members of your family will be seated there, Sir.

Cosmo Lang can't stand the idea of a commoner being seated with the King's family. England is a country built on thousands of years of upper and lower classes, and Bertie is single handedly sweeping these differences away by inviting Logue as a friend.

Quote #6

LOGUE: And now, if you don't mind, we need the premises […] My preparations for Bertie are equally important.

Logue insists that his preparations for the king are just as important as the archbishop's. Calling the king "Bertie" in front of Cosmo Lang is also unbelievable. It's one thing if Logue does this in private; it's something entirely different when he does it in front of other upper class folks.