The King's Speech Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The King's Speech.

Quote #4

LOGUE: I want to demonstrate that when you can't hear your voice, you don't stutter, thus proving your impediment is not innate.

Logue puts earphones over Bertie's head and asks him to read a speech from Hamlet. As the experiment shows, Bertie doesn't stutter at all when he can't hear himself speaking. So now it's a matter of figuring out why stress and self-consciousness keeps Bertie from speaking clearly.

Quote #5

BERTIE: Of course I didn't stutter, I was singing! One doesn't stutter when one sings!

For his next experiment, Logue asks Bertie to sing something for him to see if he stutters. But Bertie already knows that he doesn't stutter when he sings. Again, Logue proves to him that it's only in certain situations that he stutters.

Quote #6

ELIZABETH: Dear, dear, man, I refused your first two marriage proposals because, as much as loved you, I couldn't abide the thought of living in the Royal gilded cage. Then I realized... you stuttered so beautifully, they'd leave you alone.

Bertie's wife Elizabeth cheers Bertie up by telling him that his stutter was the reason she agreed to marry him. She didn't want to live in the public eye, but she figured that the press and public would leave her family alone if her husband couldn't speak.