The King's Speech Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The King's Speech.

Quote #7

GEORGE V: In the past all a king had to do was look respectable in uniform and not fall off his horse.

King George yearns for the old days before radio when all a king had to do was ride a horse and wave to people. But in the modern era, kings need to be good public speakers. And that doesn't bode well for Bertie.

Quote #8

GEORGE V: With your older brother shirking his duties, you're going to have to do a lot more of this.

King George doesn't beat around the bush. He knows that his son David is a disappointment and that Bertie will have to pick up the slack for him in terms of royal duties. That's why poor Bertie is constantly asked to give big speeches despite his speech impediment.

Quote #9

GEORGE V: Get it out, boy! […] Relax. Just try it! Do it!

King George is an impatient man when it comes to his son's speech performance. He doesn't wait very long into Bertie's efforts before yelling at him to do his duty to England and speak clearly. The problem is that that's the one thing Bertie can't do.