Memory and the Past Quotes in The Kill Order

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The vision was gone, but the memory of the tunnel still darkened his mind like some kind of seeping sludge. (9.2)

Even though dreams eventually disappear, the memories of the dreams never do. Mark isn't just haunted at night; he's constantly haunted.

Quote #5

The darker part of him almost wanted to forget her because it hurt so deeply. (15.25)

Mark ponders forgetting his beloved little sister because he doesn't want to think of her dying from the sun-flares. Now that's pretty tough stuff right there.

Quote #6

"I mean, easier said than done. I guess I just wish you could let go of the past. That's all." (21.16)

Good one Trina. Way to make Mark feel better.