Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes in The Interestings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[…] why was it that archness supposedly indicated flirting and sexual interest? Why didn't earnestness indicate this? Or melancholy? (4.52)

How people communicate sexual interest is part of their individual sexual identities.

Quote #5

But all he had meant was did she want to come over, and she hadn't known the correct, adult way to answer. (4.112)

Here we see uncertainty about sexual identity, and the idea that the one Jules is in possession of is somehow flawed or not "correct."

Quote #6

Jonah had known, roughly since first grade, that he liked boys […] but it wasn't until puberty that he allowed himself to recognize the meaning of that thinking. (6.72)

Our identities and the ways in which they intersect with our sexuality shifts over time, like we see here with Jonah.