Madness Quotes in The Interestings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He had been slowly fed drugs by a folksinger—psychotropics—and his mind had been stretched and distorted, his thoughts pushed into the mesh of a perceptual net. […] There were residual effects. (6.64)

It isn't mental illness proper, but Jonah's permanently altered by his experiences being drugged as a kid. Poor guy.

Quote #5

"Goodman said that Dr. Spilka wants him to tell him [...] what 'sexual intercourse' with Cathy was like. My parents are paying sixty dollars an hour for this." (7.94)

Dr. Spilka is a mental health professional, and while we aren't saying Goodman is mentally ill, we are going to point out that profit is a player in the whole mental healthcare system.

Quote #6

"Think about what these unhealthy comments do to us. They create this environment of unhealthiness. Of disease." (11.100)

Could Jules's obsession with her friends' lives and her overwhelming envy be called a kind of mental illness? She and Dennis certainly describe it like a sickness.