Art and Culture Quotes in The Interestings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Characters actually stuck out a foot and tripped one another in a running gag that tested well with audiences between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. (10.11)

We're not picking sides, but it seems like there are two approaches to making art (in general): for your own artistic satisfaction, and for audience approval.

Quote #8

It should be illegal for Gil Wolf to possess charcoal sticks. But if the point was something else, expression or release […] then yes, he should draw and draw. (10.119)

Again we see the debate about why making art matters. It can be something done for others, but also just for one's self.

Quote #9

Maybe beneath her massive desk she sometimes arranged her feet in first or second position. (10.181)

Check this out. Very few people end up making art their life's work, but the people that give it up for whatever reason maybe don't ever lose that need to be creating something.