The Idiot Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"No one knows [Nastasya] slept here. Last night we came in just as carefully as you and I did today. I thought as I came along with her that she would not like to creep in so secretly, but I was quite wrong. She whispered, and walked on tip-toe; she carried her skirt over her arm, so that it shouldn't rustle, and she held up her finger at me on the stairs, so that I shouldn't make a noise—it was you she was afraid of. She was mad with terror in the train, and she begged me to bring her to this house. I thought of taking her to her rooms at the Ismailofsky barracks first; but she wouldn't hear of it. She said, 'No—not there; he'll find me out at once there. Take me to your own house, where you can hide me.'" (4.11.111)

Even Rogozhin himself is surprised at how willingly Nastasya comes with him to her death!