The Idiot Philosophical Viewpoints: The Non-Divine Christ Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

[Myshkin said,] "Roman Catholicism is, in my opinion, worse than Atheism itself. Yes—that is my opinion. Atheism only preaches a negation, but Romanism goes further; it preaches a disfigured, distorted Christ—it preaches Anti-Christ […]. This is my own personal conviction, and it has long distressed me. The Roman Catholic believes that the Church on earth cannot stand without universal temporal Power. He cries 'non possumus!' In my opinion the Roman Catholic religion is not a faith at all, but simply a continuation of the Roman Empire, and everything is subordinated to this idea—beginning with faith. The Pope has seized territories and an earthly throne, and has held them with the sword. And so the thing has gone on, only that to the sword they have added lying, intrigue, deceit, fanaticism, superstition, swindling;—they have played fast and loose with the most sacred and sincere feelings of men;—they have exchanged everything—everything for money, for base earthly POWER! And is this not the teaching of Anti-Christ? How could the upshot of all this be other than Atheism? […] we must resist, and quickly, quickly! We must let our Christ shine forth upon the Western nations, our Christ whom we have preserved intact, and whom they have never known." (4.7.38-47)

Whoa, calm down, dude. This is a pretty unusual thing for Myshkin to do—suddenly argue forcefully about something. And all in all it's pretty convenient: Dostoevsky gets to get in a dig at Catholicism and air out his issues, and the prince gets to be excused since this ranting happens just before he has a seizure and is thus plausibly out of character. Two birds, meet one stone. Nice.