Tradition Quotes in The Hundred-Foot Journey

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Chez Pierre was old school, dressed simply with sturdy tables under white tablecloths and heavy silver flatware. (13.88)

Hassan describes a restaurant where he and Paul enjoy one of the most memorable nights of his life. Paul has flown them there in his private jet to enjoy this incredible traditional meal in this "old school" place.

Quote #5

Charles Mafitte was at the time emerging clearly as the artistic leader of the postmodern movement deconstructing food. [His] technique involved the total reduction of ingredients, almost to a molecular level, before reassembling an odd mixture of fused foodstuffs. (13.95)

This guy, who's heading the movement away from tradition, basically massacres ingredients to make new things. Yum?

Quote #6

I worked hard but made no headway, as the freshness and zeal with which I'd started my work at Le Chien Méchant was institutionalized through constant repetition. (13.106)

Hassan's gotten his second star but runs into the culinary version of writer's block—he's stuck in the old way and doesn't know how to switch things up. It seems that he's gotten so carried away with doing things just so within the traditional ways that he doesn't know how to be creative.