Competition Quotes in The Hundred-Foot Journey

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Well, apparently he thought that was you. I am, if I may be frank, not quite sure why he was so taken by you—you have only two stars, no? (15.37)

Paul's widow doesn't understand why someone as successful as her husband would make a friend who wasn't as renowned. Their friendship, though, is proof that Paul didn't value competition more than he valued the art form itself.

Quote #8

"No copying the heavy old brassiere dishes, no emulating the deconstructionalists and the minimalists, but our own unique house built on the simplest of French truths." (16.29)

Hassan's revelation, which becomes the key to his success, is tuning out all the corrupt nonsense that has come with everyone trying to out-do each other. He isn't going to play the game, instead he's going to ignore it… and win by doing so.

Quote #9

No doubt about it. The loss of a Michelin star would have brought the whole thing down. I shudder even to think about it." (16.48)

At Paul's memorial dinner, a guest comments that the right people saying the wrong things about him would have destroyed Paul's entire empire. Just like that. Talk about stiff competition.