Coming of Age Quotes in The Hundred-Foot Journey

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But Mummy smiled kindly and said, "Never be afraid of trying something new, Hassan. Very important. It is the spice of life." (2.61)

This experience with Mama is the main one that we hear about, which tells us it's important. She gives Hassan super important advice, especially since this 'something new' is French food, which becomes kind of his thing later on.

Quote #5

And so that was how I found my first love, Abhidha, among the shawls, when I was seventeen. (3.10)

What would a coming-of-age story be without a first love? Although this isn't exactly the most life-changing experience, and it brings him no closer to being a chef, it's an important part of Hassan's growing up process.

Quote #6

And I will always be grateful to England for this, for helping me realize that my place in the world was nowhere else but standing before a vat of boiling oil, my feet wide apart. (3.50).

As much as Hassan hates living in England, he finds it a valuable experience because it gives him a big step to growing up. It's the place where he gets his first experience working with food.