Society and Class Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You cannot give these tribal people money […]. There is no Jitney 14 Grocery in the Ogaden Desert. And how would we even know if they're even feeding their kids with it? They're likely to go to the local voodoo tent and get a satanic tattoo with our money." (13.99)

Hilly has as many misconceptions about African life and tradition as she does about the lives and traditions of the black people in her hometown.

Quote #8

"Say she'd pay her back her back some every week, but Miss Hilly say no. That a true Christian don't give in charity to those who is well and able. Say it's kinder to let them learn to work things out themselves." (19.163)

Hilly's argument is used to justify unkind treatment of her maid, Yule May, who wants to borrow some money to send her sons to college. Hilly is totally ignoring the fact that her society simply doesn't offer Yule May good work opportunities.

Quote #9

"The churches got together though. They gone send both those boys to college." (19.165)

In the society shown in the novel, black and white children do not have equal opportunities to attend college. It takes cooperation and generosity within the community to make Yule May's dreams for her twin sons come true after Hilly has her jailed.