Race Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] I'm proud a what I'm selling. I can't help it. We all telling stories that need to be told. (16.3)

Aibileen believes that revealing her perspective, and encouraging the other maids to reveal theirs, will help dissipate some of the racial tension in the town.

Quote #8

"What am I doing? I must be crazy, giving a white woman the sworn secrets of the colored race to a white lady. […] Feel like I'm talking behind my own back." (17.50)

Minny is afraid that if she tells her secrets, they will only be used against her.

Quote #9

Is this really happening? Is a white woman really beating up a white man to save me? Or did he shake my brain pan loose and I'm over there dead on the ground… (24.95)

Minny begins to understand that Celia Rae Foote is more than just a white lady – she's a tough, big-hearted woman who will do just about anything for Minny.