Justice and Judgment Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Look, […] don't say anything about meeting me. I'm going to let her tell me when she's ready." (10.210)

When Johnny and Minny finally meet, Johnny doesn't judge Celia for keeping Minny a secret. His main priority is his wife's comfort and he figures that keeping his knowledge of Minny a secret is one way to do this.

Quote #8

But then I realize, like a shell cracking open in my head, there's no difference between those government laws and Hilly building Aibileen a bathroom in the garage, except ten minutes' worth of signatures in the state capitol. (13.92)

Skeeter is so right. The Jim Crow laws Skeeter is talking about likely began as bills by people very much like Hilly. Skeeter is becoming a better judge of the world she lives in.

Quote #9

The tears roll down. It's all them white peoples that breaks me, standing around the colored neighborhood. White peoples with guns, pointed at colored peoples. Cause who gone protect our peoples? Ain't no colored policeman. (14.163)

The white policemen with guns are in Aibileen's neighborhood because Medgar Evers, a black civil rights leader, was assassinated blocks away and the authorities are afraid the black community will turn violent as a result. Some bitter irony, isn't it?