Dying to know all there is to know about Frances Cornford? You're in luck. Here's her bio.
Here's a link to lots more of her poems.
For a school project, these students set the song to music. Guitar music, that is.
As we mentioned in our "Calling Card" section, "The Watch" is classic Cornford. Give it a listen.
Here's a picture of Frances later in life enjoying a cup of tea (or something).
Here's Frances Cornford's tombstone at Ascension Parish Burial Ground in Cambridge.
Articles and Interviews
This review of Cornford's first Collected Poems in the December 1954 issue of The Spectator isn't exactly glowing. (Be sure to click on "Zoom Page" for a better view.)
Here's Cornford's On a Calm Shore—the book "The Guitarist Tunes Up" appeared in.