The Goonies Scene 64 Summary

  • Now that all the parents and other authorities have been alerted, a slew of vehicles are pulling up on the beach.
  • There are various reunions with family members—all the parental units are just super-happy that their kiddos are alive.
  • There also seem to be a couple sparks flying between Stef and Mouth. Near-death experiences do have a tendency to get those hormones raging.
  • Andy shares a heartfelt moment with Mikey, followed by a lip-locked moment with Brand. We're glad that's resolved. This love triangle was beginning to get icky.
  • Hey, look what the cat dragged in. The Fratellis are making their way across the rocky shore, having apparently made it out of the cave somehow.
  • They're immediately apprehended, with the exception of Sloth, after Chunk makes it clear to the sheriff that he's not one of the bad guys.
  • The real love story of this movie, of course, is that between Chunk and Sloth. It's purely platonic, obviously, but it's a thing of beauty. Chunk tells Sloth he's going to live with him now, and Sloth is totally down.
  • Mr. Perkins, one of the jerks from the Country Club (and Troy's dad, go figure) have no sense of timing.
  • They show up and demand that the foreclosure papers be signed, family drama or no family drama.
  • Mr. Walsh agrees to sign, but he certainly takes his time doing so. A good thing, too, because as he's grappling with the signing process, Rosalita discovers a handful of what appears to be costume jewelry inside Mikey's marble bag.
  • But it's real jewelry.
  • Looks like enough to pay off all their family's debts and save their homes! We owe you one, One-Eyed Willy!
  • Mr. Walsh tears up the papers and throws them into the air. The Goonies are then mobbed by reporters wanting to get a firsthand account of their adventures.
  • The sheriff tries to break things up…until he spots a pirate ship sailing past them. How do you like that for evidence, sheriff?
  • Mikey blows Willy a kiss, Sloth lets out a roar, and our heroes' story is ended.
  • Until the inevitable sequel, of course.