- "Pretty important" is an understatement. Mikey pokes his head up into One-Eyed Willy's old lair. There sit a bunch of skeletons, all of which look like they died in the middle of some sort of office meeting.
- At the head of the table sits Willy himself. Mikey introduces himself and tears up a bit. You can scoff, but just imagine if you got to meet the remains of one of your personal heroes.
- Mikey's joined in the room by the rest of the Goonies, who start loading up on treasure. They take jewels and gold from everywhere but the tray sitting in front of Willy, which Mikey insists belongs to the deceased pirate. Seems a waste. Doesn't look like Willy's going to be swinging by Target anytime soon.
- Enter: the Fratellis. They've finally caught up with the Goonies, and they don't look happy.