How we cite our quotes: (Line)
Quote #4
Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one (14)
They already have the whole earth under the blankets with them. According to this cute metaphor, these lovers are like two worlds. And by possessing each other, they end up possessing an entire world. Just don't ask about the property tax.
Quote #5
Where can we find two better hemispheres,
Without sharp north, without declining west? (17-18)
But before you can spin this pair of globe-lovers, the metaphor has shifted. Now each lover is a hemisphere, half a world instead of a whole world. In other words, they aren't complete without the other. (For how this references Platonic theories of human nature, backtrack to the summary). What's more, the completed world they form with their love is even more perfect than the real world. Take that, Earth Day! With no arctic north or sunsets in the west (metaphors for love that has lost its warmth or is otherwise declining), their love-world is warm and constant.