Friendship Quotes in The Golem and the Jinni

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[The Jinni] wanted to resent [the Golem], but all he felt was an irritated bemusement. (11.149)

This doesn't seem like the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but it is. Even though they're almost polar opposites in many ways, the Jinni sees that he has a lot in common with the Golem, and he decides to explore this instead of focusing on the differences.

Quote #5

Was it strange that they weren't talking? The people she saw walking at night usually talked to each other. But […] the silence was not uncomfortable. (14.35)

It seems that the Jinni and the Golem have found something few friends do: the ability to be comfortable in silence.

Quote #6

"Why can't we just be friendly? Why do there have to be complications?"

"It's the way of the world," Anna said, shrugging. (15.14-15.15)

Anna doesn't understand how Chava and Michael can just be friends, since they live in a time when men and women only talk to each other when they're dating.