Foreignness and the Other Quotes in The Golem and the Jinni

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Some influence, divine or demonic, had led him to this place, and had placed unutterable mysteries in his hands. (4.101)

Schaalman has dabbled in the dark arts before, but whatever is happening to him now is strange and foreign even to him. Maybe it's just New York City itself that is strange and otherworldly to him.

Quote #5

She was not human, but a living piece of earth. (11.121)

The Golem is foreign even to the Jinni, and vice versa. Maybe that's why they're so drawn to each other: because of the otherness that they're not accustomed to.

Quote #6

"I've never met another golem." "What, none?" "I might be the only one," she said. (14.53)

The Golem is truly an outsider, being the only one of her kind… as far as we can tell so far.