The Godfather Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Godfather.

Quote #7

MICHAEL: It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business.

Sonny accuses Michael of taking things personally, but, in reality, he is the hothead. Michael is actually the cool and collected one who can think ahead and strategize.

Quote #8

SOLLOZZO (in Italian): I am sorry. What happened to your father was business. I have much respect for your father. But your father, his thinking is old-fashioned. You must understand why I had to do that. Now let's work through where we go from here.

Sollozzo is trying to explain that he doesn't hate Vito Corleone, so Michael shouldn't overreact to the assassination attempt. It was just business, just a way of getting something that he couldn't get through negotiations. But it's too late for that excuse—Sollozzo's simply gone way too far.

Quote #9

CONNIE: Papa never talked about business in front of the kids.

Connie believes that family life and mob business are two separate spheres. If you're a mob boss, you need to live a kind of contradiction: playing with your kids in one world, ordering people's deaths in the other.