How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"We don't accept handouts from anyone." (3.8.2)
Even though they are poor, the family has pride. But perhaps if they would be less prideful, they wouldn't be as poor. Maybe what they need to find a way to strike a balance.
Quote #8
"You'll never make a fortune working for the boss man," he said. (3.11.1)
Dad should cut this sentence off after "fortune." Dad will never make a fortune, period, but he is either too determined or too delusional to give up. And it appears that all Dad wants is to make a fortune; he doesn't want to have to just make a nice sum to buy a house and food for his family.
Quote #9
So even though she had a steady job, we were living pretty much like we had before. (3.17.14)
It's almost impossible to climb up the economic ladder. Something always pulls the family back down—but in the Wallses case, it's specifically Dad holding them back. And Mom, too, since she also has lots of trouble actually keeping a job.