Society and Class Quotes in The Glass Castle

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mom believed that children shouldn't be burdened with a lot of rules and restrictions. (2.14.8)

You don't say. This is something Jeannette repeats over and over again, rationalizing her mother's laissez-faire parenting style as a response to restrictive parenting trends. It seems like there must be a difference between letting your kids have freedom and basically leaving them completely on their own.

Quote #8

If things got tight, Mom kept reminding us that some of the other kids on Little Hobart Street had it tougher than we did. (3.8.2)

Mom is the last person that children should be looking to for perspective on society. Yes, some people have it worse, but this family could have it so much better if they'd just try.

Quote #9

"Look at the way you live. You've sold out. Next thing I know, you'll become a Republican." She shook her head. "Where are the values I raised you with?" (4.9.7)

Mom disapproves of Jeannette becoming a society columnist in New York City because Mom has spent most of her life living outside of society and wants nothing to do with it. Just as Mom rebelled against society, Jeannette rebels against Mom and becomes the opposite of who Mom wanted her to be—at least on the surface.