Identity Quotes in The Glass Castle

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Don't be afraid to be smarter than they are." (3.3.14)

This could be seen as cocky, but Jeannette knows at an early age that she is smarter than many other kids. Being a brain is a way for her to define herself, even if it doesn't win her many friends.

Quote #5

"Life's too short to worry about what other people think," Mom said. "Anyway, they should accept us for who we are." (3.7.16)

Well, Mom's definitely got a positive attitude, even if she doesn't have much else. If there's anything she is good at—and this might be the only thing, besides making excuses—it's getting her kids to accept themselves.

Quote #6

She looked like any other Mom. (3.8.6)

Just as Jeannette shows us in the first paragraph that a homeless person can be a mom, here young Jeannette learns that a mom can also be a prostitute, not that you'd know it to look at her.