The Giver Old Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The man smiled. He touched the sagging flesh on his own face with amusement. "I am not, actually, as old as I look," he told Jonas. "This job has aged me. I know I look as if I should be scheduled for release very soon. But actually I have a good deal of time left." (10.38)

It looks like the pleasure-pain connection works here, too; The Giver is wiser for his memories, but has been physically weakened by them as well.

Quote #5

"Oh, there's lots to learn," Fiona replied. "There's administrative work, and the dietary rules, and punishment for disobedience – did you know they use a discipline wand on the Old, the same as for small children? And there's occupational therapy, and recreational activities, and medications, and –" (12.20)

Notice that the elderly and the young are both kept under control by the discipline wand. In a way, these two groups have less freedom of choice than anyone else in the community.

Quote #6

Jonas frowned. "But my parents must have had parents! I never thought about it before. Who are my parents-of-the-parents? Where are they? (16.26)

Lowry's narrative technique is fascinating in that we, the reader, often make discoveries at the same time that Jonas does. Until this passage, we probably didn't think about the fact that Jonas didn't seem to have grandparents either.