Memory and the Past Quotes in The Girl on the Train

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'm going to Witney instead. I'm hoping that being there will jog my memory, that I'll get to the station and I'll see everything clearly, I'll know. (7.1)

Returning to the scene of the crime (literally) helps Rachel piece things together. The sights, sounds, and smells of the underpass serve as small trigger.

Quote #8

There is nothing to remember. It is, will always be, a black hole in my timeline. (7.212)

Both Rachel and Megan have these black holes in their timelines, and they do different things to fill them. Rachel either drinks or tries to confront her memories head on, while Megan runs from them, having affairs to try to help her forget.

Quote #9

"Please, try to remember, Rachel." (19.61)

When Rachel hears this plea from someone else (Scott), it inspires her even more to dig deep into her psyche. She needs the external motivation to really get digging.