Isolation Quotes in The Girl on the Train

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I just want to remain safe and warm in my haven with Scott, undisturbed. (6.1)

Megan is unable to be safe or warm or have a haven by herself. Scott is a critical part of the equation.

Quote #5

Megan has no family in the area. Both her parents are deceased. (7.7)

Even though we only briefly see them, Rachel's mother and Scott's mother briefly appear to offer support to their children. Megan doesn't have that luxury, though; she's alone.

Quote #6

I was trespassing. That's what it felt like this morning, because it's their territory now, it's Tom and Anna's and Scott and Megan's. I'm the outsider. I don't belong there, and yet everything is so familiar to me. (7.21)

Seeing these people so often reinforces how isolated Rachel has become. She used to be a part of these people's lives; now she's a part of no one's life.