Guilt and Blame Quotes in The Girl on the Train

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I must have committed some terrible act and blacked it out. (7.32)

Rachel fears she may have done something to Megan—something she doesn't remember—because Tom conditioned her to feel this way. Tom would take advantage of Rachel's blackouts, and even though he was the one abusing her, he would convince her that she abused him, making her feel guilty and scared of her blackouts for the wrong reasons.

Quote #8

I never learn. I wake with a crushing sensation of wrongness, of shame, and I know immediately that I've done something stupid. (9.35)

This is a terrible feeling, but Rachel learns that she can trust her feelings. These shameful feeling make her feel guilty, and rightfully so. But when she realizes that sometimes she feels fear instead of guilt, she uses that to piece together her fragmented memories.

Quote #9

"It's my fault, because I'm an unreliable witness." (15.84)

Tom actually makes a good point here (for once), telling Rachel, "I'm sure it's not just about you" (15.85). But he's also kind of wrong. If Rachel remembered Tom getting into the car with Megan, which she doesn't recall until the very end, she could have told the police and none of this would have happened.