Drugs and Alcohol Quotes in The Girl on the Train

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Blackouts happen, and it isn't just a matter of being a bit hazy about getting home from the club or forgetting what it was that was so funny when you were chatting in the pub. It's different. Total black; hours lost, never to be retrieved. (7.34)

1, 2, 3… 1, 2, 3, drink. Rachel gets so drunk she can't even count to three. If the train had a chandelier, she'd be swinging from it… and she wouldn't remember it the next day.

Quote #5

The van burst into flames and six people died. The drunk guy was fine. They always are. He had no memory of getting into his car. (7.35)

Rachel has a kind of survivor's guilt over her drinking. As far as she can tell, drunks always seem to hurt other people while they themselves (their liver excluded) remain physically fine.

Quote #6

I lost and I drank and I drank and I lost. (7.119)

Rachel's alcoholism is a rough cycle. Even though she realizes that it causes more problems than it solves, she can't stop.