Love Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

This is how I know I can never be a true servant of God, why I will never be able to give myself over to the Sisters. Because I love Travis too much to set him aside. (5.33)

You sure, Mary? She loves him too much to give him up for the Sisterhood… She loves him too much to give him up for God… But she doesn't love him too much to give him up for the ocean. Mary, Mary, quite contrary…

Quote #5

"You think you want love, Mary. You think it is this beautiful gift that does nothing but fill you and make you whole. But you are wrong. Love can be cruel and ugly. It can become dark and cause the deepest pain. Just look at what it has done to your parents." (8.37)

Sister Tabitha makes a mighty good point here. Love ultimately turns both of Mary's parents into zombies, it leaves Mary miserable with Harry, and it leads to Travis's demise. Love ain't always a holding-hands-and-skipping feeling.

Quote #6

I know I am asking him to betray his brother, to upset the balance of the village, and hurt my best friend. But none of that matters to me anymore. I am willing to throw it all away for him. (10.64)

Based on her future actions, are Mary's feelings here the result of true love, or just the wacky result of too much love potion?