Guilt and Shame Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I want to run to Sister Tabitha and ask her what she has done, ask her how this happened. At first I stay silent because I'm terrified of becoming like Gabrielle and then other worries begin pounding in the back of my head: was there something I could have done to save her? Could I have spoken out? Searched harder? Was I responsible for her fate? (11.12)

Sure, Mary feels guilty because she was one of the last to actually see Gabby, but there isn't much she could have done. Told the villagers? They wouldn't believe her, unless Sister T backed it up, which was not gonna happen. Rescued Gabrielle? How could she have known what the Sisters would do to her? Stood up to Sister Tabitha? A lot of good that would do (translation: none). Calm down, Mary—this one actually is not on your hands.

Quote #5

But most of all I hate myself for loving Harry's brother with everything that I have so that there is nothing left over for him. And for being too much of a coward to cut him free. To use the knife to sever our bonds. (13.41-42)

Now that's a bum deal. Crazy in love with someone else, with no courage to make it happen. Mary should have remembered this moment when she got all huffy with Travis about not coming for her. Face it, Mary—you didn't have the courage, either.

Quote #6

I can see how Harry's jaw tightens […]. I know he wonders if his presence in the village would have made a difference—if he is a coward for escaping through the gate. (17.21)

Harry the hero. He not only saves Mary's life in the village, but also Jacob's; not to mention the fact that he forgave Mary for deserting him for his brother. He's gonna do the right thing whenever he knows what it is, and therein lies the problem. What's the right thing to do? Sacrifice himself to help others, or keep himself alive to save others? That there's a sticky one.