Family Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I imagine pushing open the heavy wooden door above me and slipping into the clearing. […] I imagine my mother waiting there on the other side. Her hands outstretched, ready for me. (11.53)

Sure her mom is a zombie, but that doesn't change the fact that she was a loving mother for the rest of Mary's life. It's hard to believe a mom would ever really go away for good. Maybe it would have been easier on Mary if her mother had died instead.

Quote #5

Never did I wonder what my mother believed. What sort of life my mother lived at my age. So acutely do I miss her at this moment that I want to crawl into myself with shame and longing. (13.19)

Sounds about right. How often do we think of our parents as kids? Or (gasp) our teachers as real people? Usually they just fall into the role we've given them in our lives, but guess what? Adults are people too—with feelings, dreams, and (get ready to have your mind blown) childhoods.

Quote #6

For a moment I fear he'll rebuff me. But then he sags against me. I am the only thing holding him standing and I finally feel as if we are brother and sister again. The bonds forged when we were children too tight to break. (20.5)

Not gonna lie: Jed's got some issues. He pretty much threw Mary to the dogs after their mom went all Unconsecrated, and then he attacked her when she spoke the truth about his precious Beth. But hey—she's still his little sister. Nothing can change that, especially when all he needs is a hug.