Dreams, Hopes, Plans Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Nothing in this world is deep enough to withstand the Unconsecrated." (29.46)

Not even the ocean, Mary, though she never really believes that… not even when she sees the zombies strewed along her precious shoreline. She's got too much hope, buried too deep inside, to give up on an idea of no zombies. Is she just setting herself up for disappointment, or is she setting an example we should all follow?

Quote #8

"I think that even then I knew I wouldn't be enough for you, Mary. It's no longer about the ocean. It's about you and what you want and need. Maybe you'll be happy with me for a few years…"

He pauses and I can see tears flooding his eyes again. "I can't be your second-choice dream." (29.68-69)

Boohoo—shed a few tears here with us for poor Travee-poo. No one wants to be someone's second-hand dream, and it seems like the poor Travster feels more like the first loser. We wish we could give him a hug.

Quote #9

"Mary, why chase old dreams? What can the ocean give you that we cannot?" (34.3)

Good question. We Shmoopers aren't even sure we can answer it, but we know there had to be something, or else Mary wouldn't have left everything and everyone she loved to it. Freedom? Hope? A saltwater massage?