Choices Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There is always a choice, Mary," Sister Tabitha says to me, standing with her feet braced against the steps, the lower half of her body concealed belowground. "It is what makes us human, what separates us from them." […]

It is important for you to know this, Mary," she tells me. "You must understand the importance of this choice you are making to become one of us. The Sisterhood is not something to be entered into lightly."

"I choose to join the Sisterhood," I tell her, desperate to get out of the clearing. (4.22, 25, 28)

Is a forced choice still a choice?

Quote #5

My life will never be my own. (8.16)

With the way things are going in the village, this statement's probably true. Mary's got no parents, no hubby, no lover, no brother (anymore), and not even a friend to stop in for a chat while she's locked away. It's Sister Tabitha's way or the highway—the highway to Zombieville, that is. Life's pretty rotten.

Quote #6

It is as if every door in my life has been slammed shut, every window boarded up until there is only one path for me to take. My choice is either Harry or the Sisterhood. (9.65)

Wait—isn't that two paths?