The English Patient Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The English Patient.

Quote #1

GEOFFREY: Uxoriousness. That's my favorite kind of love. Excessive love of one's wife.

Thank you, Geoffrey, for defining this word during the discussion about different types of love. This line makes Geoffrey seem very sweet and devoted to Katharine. On the flip side, it makes him seem like even more of a sap when she betrays him.

Quote #2

GEOFFREY: Let's toast then. Absent wives. […]
KATHARINE: And future ones.

Almost all the men in the Royal Geographic Society are married. Would Katharine still want an affair with Almásy if he were married too?

Quote #3

HANA: I'll probably marry him. […] My mother always told me I would summon my husband by playing the piano.

Hana's little superstition about marriage seems silly, but it makes sense that a woman who believes she is cursed would believe this too. And after a terrible war like WWII, people have to believe in whatever they possibly can.