The English Patient Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The English Patient.

Quote #1

JAN: She's a softie. She loves me.

Poor Jan. This is one of the only lines she gets in the movie before she explodes. This terrible tragedy prompts Hana to think she is cursed. Anyone she loves will die.

Quote #2

KATHARINE: Love. Romantic love. Platonic love. Filial love. Quite different things, surely?

Almásy is a man who doesn't believe in adjectives, but Katharine demonstrates that there are many different kinds of love. Almost all of these loves are present in the movie.

Quote #3

ALMÁSY: You can't explore from the air, Madox. If you could explore from the air, life would be very simple.

Following up the last quote, Almásy is a man who maps things from the ground, but he flies through life, not wanting to get up close and personal with it. Katharine shows him the depths of love, but he has to explore her from the ground (so to speak), to understand it.