The Departed Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Departed.

Quote #4

DIGNAM: You're upper-middle class during the weeks, then you're hanging in the Southie projects with your daddy, the f***ing donkey on the weekends. I got that right?

Even though he wants to use Billy's background as an asset, Dignam wants to remind Billy that he's not really like the other people who grew up in Southie, since he had a rich mom who raised him with a silver spoon in his mouth. For Dignam, this is actually an insult to anyone who truly grew up in the hard parts of Boston.

Quote #5

DIGNAM: You know where that dirtball started his life? Southie projects.

When describing the story of someone who just got killed by Costello's people, Dignam mentions that the deceased was from Southie. The reason this is so important is because for the cops, Southie is where almost all of the drugs and violence in this town come from.

Quote #6

MR. FRENCH: I f***ing know you. I know your family. You make one more drug deal with that idiot f***ing cop-magnet of a cousin of yours, and I'II forget your grandmother was so nice to me.

Mr. French would like nothing better than to mess Billy up, but the guy has such a strong sense of community that he remembers the days when Billy's grandmother was so nice to him. Apparently, something that happened decades ago is enough to make a violent mobster give someone a second chance. Now that's community.