Hate Quotes in The Death Cure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I hated you more than I'd ever hated anybody in my life. But what happened in the past doesn't matter one lick anymore. We need to talk about the future. About the end of the world." (25.18)

Putting your hatred aside for the sake of something bigger is a great way to become a "bigger person." Hatred can be a major hindrance in many (most?) situations.

Quote #8

Thomas suddenly hated Red Shirt as much as he'd ever hated anyone. (30.43)

Ever had that moment when hate just boils up in your blood? Like when you're in line for a coffee and the person in front of you is taking forever? Don't you just hate them more than anyone you've ever known? Yeah, Thomas is having one of these moments.

Quote #9

He clamped his other hand over it and backed away, glaring at Thomas with hate-filled eyes. (72.3)

Thomas's hatred for WICKED and Janson is actually returned by Janson. Let's look at it from his side: these kids are the potential means to find a cure for a disease you have, yet they refuse to let you finish the experiment. Janson hates Thomas just as much as Thomas hates Janson.