Friendship Quotes in The Death Cure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Ever since Thomas had entered the Maze, Newt had been there for him. Thomas hadn't realized just how much of a friend he'd become until now. His heart hurt. (41.2)

Out of all of the Gladers, Thomas has two true friends: Newt and Minho. Wherever he goes and whatever he does, Newt and Minho are always at his side. So imagine the pain Thomas must be feeling when Newt starts going wacko-cocopuffs.

Quote #8

He couldn't kill his friend. He just couldn't. (55.36)

Don't you just hate it when this happens?

Quote #9

He finally typed goodbye messages to Minho and Brenda just in case he ended up dead. (60.11)

Hey, at least Thomas wrote some nice little goodbye letters to his friends. Too bad we never get to see them...