Love Quotes in The Danish Girl

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She suddenly wondered whom she loved more, Einar or Teddy Cross. […] Whom did she love more, Greta asked herself. (18.16)

Why does Greta ask herself this question? What does it matter? But since she asks it, who do you think Greta loves more, and why does she care?

Quote #5

It was hard for him to say, but he thought that he might not have the courage to go through with it if Greta was with him; she would have reminded him too much of their previous life. They'd been happy, he kept telling himself. Einar and Greta had been in love. (19.6)

Notice that Einar thinks of himself in the third person here. Einar was in love Greta; Lili was not. But this doesn't necessarily mean that Lili doesn't love Greta—it's just a different kind of love than Einar felt for Greta.

Quote #6

Lili longed for something similar to happen to her. Yes, she told herself. It will be like that with me: instant love; helpless, regrettable passion. (20.90)

Lili is very young. Einar creates a fake age for her that is younger than his real age, plus she is only a couple years old in terms of Einar's conception of her. So she longs for the type of romance straight out of a young-adult novel.