Politics Quotes in The Corrections

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Nick had taught Billy to love politics, and Billy had repaid him by taunting him with the epithet bourgeois liberal, bourgeois liberal. (5.8)

The political situation isn't much better back in the U.S. Although Nick's political beliefs were considered radical in his youth, they're nothing compared to the calculated insanity of Billy's agenda.

Quote #8

The lesson that Gitanas had learned and that Chip was now learning was that the more patently satirical the promises, the lustier the influx of American capital. (5.926)

Gitanas is an innovator—the guy invented Kickstarter before there was a Kickstarter. The only difference is that he's selling political power, not trying to fund his best friend's Buffy: The Vampire Slayer fan film.

Quote #9

Chip was struck by the broad similarities between black-market Lithuania and free-market America. In both countries, wealth was concentrated in the hands of a few; any meaningful distinction between private and public sectors had disappeared. (5.942)

Yikes—let's just hope that things manage to get better before we start auctioning off our infrastructure, too.