The Blessed Damozel Love Quotes

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Quote #4

"We two will lie i' the shadow of
  Occult, withheld, untrod," (79-80)

Here the damozel is fantasizing about all the fun times she and her lover are going to experience—once he makes it up to heaven, of course. At long last they'll be together. So, she wants them to spend some quality alone time, hidden away from everyone else—praying, of course.

Quote #5

 Then will I lay my cheek
To his, and tell about our love,
  Not once abash'd or weak:
And the dear Mother will approve (116-119)

The damozel—in her continuing fantasy—just knows that Mary will be down with her relationship with her lover. Maybe the fact that they aren't officially married has them both nervous about the prospect of a reunion in heaven. It's telling, in any case, that they'll essentially need permission from both Mary and Jesus before the damozel's lover is allowed to stick around in heaven. (See "Themes: Religion" for more.)

Quote #6

"There will I ask of Christ the Lord
  Thus much for him and me:—
Only to live as once on earth
  With Love,—only to be,
As then awhile, forever now
  Together, I and he." (127-132)

Here we see the ultimate goal that both the damozel and her lover are after: a reunion in heaven. All they want is to keep on doing in heaven what they were doing back on Earth. And what they were doing is summed up simply here: living "With Love."