The Big Lebowski Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Big Lebowski.

Quote #4

THE DUDE: I'm sorry if your stepmother is a nympho, but I don't see what this has to do with … you have any Kahlua?

As The Dude tries to talk shop with Maude, he distracts himself with her liquor bar. White Russians take precedence over everything. He has a great eye for zeroing in on any alcohol in the vicinity.

Quote #5

THE DUDE: Careful, man! There's a beverage here!

The Dude's only objection to getting strong-armed into a mysterious limo is that he might spill his White Russian. Another example of his drinking being played for laughs rather than any moral statement.

Quote #6

The Dude is multitasking: smoking a joint, drinking a beer, driving his car, and jamming out to some Creedence Clearwater Revival. Then he drops his joint in his crotch area and tries to douse the flames with his beer, which causes him to crash his car.

Just remember, kids: it doesn't pay to drink, drive, smoke, and listen to Creedence all at the same time, m'kay?