The Autobiography of Malcolm X Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #7

I saw the new faces of our Temple Seven meetings. And then we discovered the best "fishing" audience of all, by far the best-conditioned audience for Mr. Muhammad's teachings: the Christian churches. (13.50)

Why do you think so many Christians were willing to convert to the Nation of Islam? What made them different from other people Malcolm X tried to convert?

Quote #8

Any fornication was absolutely forbidden in the Nation of Islam. Any eating of the filthy pork, or other injurious or unhealthful foods; any use of tobacco, alcohol, or narcotics. No Muslim who followed Elijah Muhammad could dance, gamble, date, attend movies, or sports, or take long vacations from work. Muslims slept no more than health required. Any domestic quarreling, any discourtesy, especially to women, was not allowed. No lying or stealing, and no insubordination to civil authority, except on the grounds of religious obligation. (13.64)

Those sure are a lot of rules. How do you think potential converts felt about them? How would you feel about them?

Quote #9

Imagine, being a Muslim minister, a leader in Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam, and not knowing the prayer ritual. (17.44)

Malcolm X makes this statement after he goes to Mecca. That's when he realizes that what he's been taught in the Nation of Islam is very different from the eastern Islamic religion. What are the differences he found? Why do you think Elijah Muhammad created these differences?