The Autobiography of Malcolm X Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #7

But I was to learn later that Mr. Muhammad's teaching about death and the Muslim funeral service was in drastic contradiction to what Islam taught in the East. (13.77)

The Islamic belief of the afterlife is actually pretty similar to the Christian belief. So, why do you think Elijah Muhammad preached that there was no afterlife at all?

Quote #8

The death talk was not my fear. Every second of my twelve years with Mr. Muhammad, I had been ready to lay down my life for him. The thing to me worse than death was the betrayal. I could conceive death. (16.123)

Yeah, after all of these years thinking he's gonna die we're sure Malcolm X isn't afraid of death. Why is the betrayal of Elijah Muhammad worse than death?

Quote #9

To come right down to it, if I take the kind of things in which I believe, then add to that the kind of temperament that I have, plus the one hundred per cent dedication I have to whatever I believe in—these are ingredients which make it just about impossible for me to die of old age. (19.76)

Reason number three Malcolm thinks he's going to die: he's just too dedicated to being an activist for black rights.