Competition Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You think these guys care what our record is? Hell no. They think they're going to walk all over us, because we're from Westish College. They see this uniform and their eyes light up. They think this uniform's some kind of joke." (21.26)

For Mike, it isn't just a championship trophy at stake, it's his school's reputation. That raises the stakes a bit above your typical college baseball game.

Quote #5

The Harpooners' arms were bare. Schwartz insisted on it: a psychological advantage could be gained by pretending to be impervious to the weather. By pretending to be impervious, you became so. (28.19)

This is one of those "fake it 'til you make it" situations, except a person can never be impervious, so they better be prepared to keep up the fakeness for a long, long time.

Quote #6

"It doesn't feel like much," [Henry] said. "You really only notice it when you screw up." (29.53)

Some people screw up all the time and it's not a big deal (like your average clumsy Young Adult heroine falling over every 3 minutes). But Henry, at least in baseball, is statistically perfect. His errors stand out like big red letters on a yellow background.